Fatty Liver Disease

Rimidi aggregates relevant clinical data in the EHR for patients at-risk of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, and provides embedded, evidence-based clinical decision support cards to guide clinicians to the right level of intervention—from a specialist referral to imaging.

35 %

of the US population has NAFLD

20 %

of the US population with NAFLD have NASH

Rimidi’s Approach to Fatty Liver Disease

The prevalence of obesity coupled with an aging population is making NAFLD and NASH the next silent epidemic in healthcare. Rimidi provides a comprehensive, progressive model of care that supports providers--from screening at-risk populations to risk stratification to get each patient to the appropriate level of care.

Identify At-Risk Patients

Whether a patient engages the health system through primary care, bariatrics, endocrinology or hepatology, Rimidi’s platform helps aggregate patient data directly through the EHR to help clinicians identify the population at risk of NAFLD and NASH.

Guideline-Based Management

Once a patient is identified as at-risk, Rimidi provides a progressive care model, providing recommendations to guide physicians to the right level of intervention— whether that’s a specialist referral, bloodwork, or imaging.

Reduce your costs, and improve patient outcomes

Our goal is to help health systems achieve the quadruple aim of healthcare: better patient outcomes, lower costs, and improved patient and provider satisfaction. We'll show you how.