Configurable Clinical Decision Support Solutions

Rimidi’s decision support engine is configurable to support national practice guidelines, client protocols, remote monitoring workflow, referral management, clinical trial recruitment and most use cases according to client needs. Built within Rimidi’s SMART on FHIR platform, Rimidi’s Clinical Decision Support Solutions (CDSS) are tightly integrated to your EHR, making it easy to iterate and implement new CDSS without sacrificing your workflow efficiency.

Clinical Decision Support Solutions and
Guideline Adherence

Operating within the EHR, Rimidi’s decision support engine seamlessly assesses clinical data, identifies gaps in care, and presents you with a decision support card with information or care suggestions that can be configured to national guidelines or your practice protocols.

Example: A patient meets criteria for treatment recommended by American College of Cardiology and American Diabetes Association Standards of Care, but is not currently receiving the treatment.

Demo Rimidi's Clinical Decision Support

Clinical Decision Support Solutions and
Remote Patient Monitoring

Decision support notifications and reminders can also be driven by the RPM data that is flowing into the Rimidi platform from connected devices.

Example: A patient hasn’t logged their blood pressure in several days or a patient’s glucose readings indicate hypoglycemia. The card can not only flag the event to clinicians but also provide recommendations according to protocols.

Clinical Decision Support Solutions and Referrals

Based on a patient’s clinical data, Rimidi’s CDSS can suggest referrals to specialists, imaging or labs, patient education, or more. Once a patient’s lab or imaging results have been received, Rimidi’s CDS cards present the patient’s provider with evidence-based information and recommendations on the next best steps in care.

Example: Based on clinical data, the patient is at a high risk for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and according to clinical guidelines, it is recommended that the patient be referred to hepatology for further evaluation.

Clinical Decision Support Solutions and
Clinical Trial Recruitment

Candidate patient identification is often a challenge in clinical trial recruitment, especially in clinical service lines that may not be directly involved in the clinical trial. Rimidi partners with industry and clinical sites to enhance trial recruitment efforts.

Example: Rimidi’s CDSS can be configured to identify candidate patients by inclusion and exclusion criteria to notify the treating clinician to the availability of a trial at their institution which might benefit their patient. Notifications can be sent to the trial coordinator directly from Rimidi when the clinician indicates a patient is interested in more information.

Request a Demo

Ready to start using CDSS to drive efficiency and better outcomes? Request a demo today.